關鍵字:聯發科技 開曼晨星半導體 收購
對于此案,聯發科技董事長蔡明介表示:“聯發科技與開曼晨星在無線通訊與數字家庭領域皆居于領導地位, 有鑒于近年來產業走向整合的趨勢,相信此次合并案可為 IC設計產業樹立新的里程碑。未來兩家公司將結合各自的競爭優勢,優化資源配置,得以更專注于新產品的開發,及下一世代技術的發展。此外,面對全球化的競爭及快速變化的產業態勢,相信合并后的公司將站在更佳的位置上,以因應下一階段的挑戰,更進一步提升聯發科技的全球競爭力。”
開曼晨星董事長梁公偉表示:“開曼晨星與聯發科技皆擁有扎實的研發實力與優良的執行力,過去兩家公司分別在各類產品領域里深耕,都有優異的表現,透過此次強 強聯手的合并案,相信可以更有效地整合雙方公司的資源,為未來的長期全球成長布局。此外,也希望透過此一合并,促進產業整合,加強亞洲IC設計產業的全球競爭力。”
關鍵字:聯發科技 開曼晨星半導體 收購
顫抖吧!博通、意法半導體、ST-Ericsson還有Renesas Mobile
Renesas Mobile的一名高管幾個月前在接受《EE Times》采訪時對MTK能夠開發與自己的硬件相配的完整軟件頗為驚嘆。他說:“當我們進入中國的時候,所有優秀的軟件工程師都已經被MTK網羅走了。”
MTK為其全面的客戶支持感到自豪。“我們不僅向客戶提供參考設計,我們還提供‘全部解決方案’,從低層軟件、批量生產一直到測試與驗證,”MTK總經理謝清江上次的消費電子展上接受《EE Times》采訪時表示。
Dial 'M' for MediaTek
Junko Yoshida
PARIS – MediaTek’s bid to buy Mstar is likely to cement the supremacy of the combined power of the two Taiwan-based companies -- often described as the “M brothers” -- in the digital consumer market, at least for the next several years.
Today, MediaTek alone claims the global number one position in terms of market share in mobile phones, DVD/Blu-Ray players and optical disc drives. MediaTek is the runner-up -- after Mstar -- in digital TV, and holds the number three position in the broadband DSL market.
Move over, Broadcom, STMicroelectronics, ST-Ericsson, and Renesas Mobile.
Although it’s a stretch to compare MediaTek with Qualcomm in the mobile world, MediaTek has steadily risen, to the point where the company is getting the global digital consumer electronics market pretty much wrapped up.
Never underestimate Taiwan-based companies, thinking that they are just low-cost, me-too chip vendors. Those days are long gone.
The strength of MediaTek today lies in its ability to integrate software and hardware as a genuine turnkey solution for system OEMs, to an unprecedented extent. The MediaTek playbook has worked particularly well with a number of emerging handsets and DTV companies in China, allowing MediaTek to extend its reach.
A Renesas Mobile executive, during an interview with EE Times several months ago, marveled at MediaTek’s power to develop complete software to go with its own hardware. “By the time we showed up in China, all the good software engineers were already picked over by MediaTek,” he said.
As for the digital TV market, both MStar and MediaTek have used their proximity to China to build market share and dominate the global digital TV SoC market.
While MStar is said to have exploited its distribution network to gain design wins among a growing number of Chinese ODMs, MediaTek is viewed as being more selective. “They don’t work with everyone. They are much more careful about choosing their customers,” said a TV chip company’s executive who spoke on condition of anonymity.
MediaTek takes pride in its comprehensive customer support. “We give our customers not just reference designs. We offer them ‘total solutions’ from lower-level software, mass production to testing and validation,” crowed MediaTek President C.J. Hsieh during an interview with EE Times at the last Consumer Electronics show.
MediaTek is no stranger to the M&A world, either.
In fact, MediaTek’s aggressiveness in forming partnerships and for its acquisitions is often praised by industry analysts. One significant deal was 2008’s $350 million acquisition of Analog Devices Inc.’s baseband chip product lines, which not only strengthened MediaTek’s product line but also gave the company access to tier 1 handset makers.
Slightly off-topic, but totally relevant, is that MediaTek’s success has everything to do with the downfall of Nokia in recent years. Many industry observers blame Nokia for not catching onto the smartphone trend soon enough, or for not embracing Android. Regardless of these missteps, Nokia had already lost the battle in the feature phone market. It wasn’t the smartphone, but the featurephone that pushed Nokia to the brink.
And who won the battle?
While Nokia continued to insist on developing hardware/software-integrated solutions on its own, MediaTek, a mere chip vendor from Taiwan, leveraged an army of software developers in China and put together a well-integrated software/hardware turnkey solution for mobile handset vendors who make feature phones in China.